Fresh Creek
- Location: Andros
- Lat / Lon: N 24° 43.503' / W 077° 47.257'
- Depth: 6'-9'
- Tide: 2.0'-2.5'
- Description:
Anchoring in Fresh Creek Is a dicey proposition at best. The bottom is scoured, and the holding is awful. There are a few small patches of sand where an anchor might work, but they have been taken up by local boats on moorings.
In a pinch an area directly across the creek from the closed Lighthouse Club Resort provides acceptable holding and is big enough for a single vessel. There is reasonable wind protection from all directions, but in settled conditions the greatest challenge in the area is the very strong current that can approach 3 knots at max ebb.
When coupled with the questionable holding it is common for even a well-set anchor to drag on a tide change. Anchoring inside Fresh Creek should be considered a measure of last resort. If there is space at the government dock in the NW corner of the harbor it is by far the preferred choice for spending the night.