- Mile Marker: 1160
- Lat / Lon: N 24° 55.797' / W 080° 37.733'
- Depth: 7
- Description:
Stopped here for one night. There is good access to Islamorada, which has a free car service to take you anywhere on the island. Publix, West Marine, bass pro shops, all available. anchorage is exposed to early everything, but wins out of the south. On the west side of the Anchorage there seems to be a sea plane port.
NOTE: Per Florida Statute 327.4109
The owner or operator of a vessel or floating structure may not anchor or moor such that the nearest approach of the anchored or moored vessel or floating structure is:
- Within 150 feet of any marina, boat ramp, boatyard, or other vessel launching or loading facility;
- Within 300 feet of a superyacht repair facility. For purposes of this subparagraph, the term "superyacht repair facility" means a facility that services or repairs a yacht with a water line of 120 feet or more in length; or
- Within 100 feet outward from the marked boundary of a public mooring field or a lesser distance if approved by the commission upon request of a local government within which the mooring field is located. The commission may adopt rules to implement this subparagraph.
Not great if there’s a strong wind, but with anything under 20 kt, you’ll be fine. I rode out a squall with a short burst (about 10 minutes) of 55 mile an hour winds. My rockna 20 with 100 feet of chain did a pretty good job. I drug only about 20 yards.
Shore Access:
There is a free dinghy dock, and if you download their app you can order a ride, which again, is free. They’ll pick you up in a Tesla and take you anywhere on the island.