North Bimini Basins East
- Lat / Lon: N 25° 45.250' / W 079° 16.283'
- Depth: 10
- Description:
This is one of four basins at the north terminus of the main Bimini channel. It has less room than the ones to the west, but can still accommodate 2-3 vessels. At the time of this review (mid-Feb 2025) there was a single monohull, ~30', in here. We did not anchor here ourselves, but the bottom should be similar to the basin just to the west: silt and rubble from the process of digging it out. The ebb current can run pretty strongly from the NE mouth down to the SE opening to the next channel and basin. Depths appear to be 10+' and the edges are nearly vertical, so you can swing very close to the "shore".
Based on the conditions in the basin to the west, secure and quick to set.
Shore Access: