The United States Coast Guard (USCG) and American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) have announced a date and registration for the next free online USCG/ABYC Risk Mitigation Series. The third webinar of the series will be "Defect Notification and Product Recalls" held Nov. 9, 2022 from 2-4 p.m. EST.
In the past year, the USCG/ABYC Risk Mitigation Series has included such topics as "Regulations and Electrification" and "Put the Fire Out," both of which attracted over 300 registrants. To continue the success of the series, "Defect Notification and Product Recalls" will focus on what is considered a recall and when a defect notification is required. USCG personnel will present an overview of their compliance program with inspection statistics and common incidents of non-compliance while the ABYC team will outline ways to avoid a recall altogether.
"This is a must for boat and boat-accessory manufacturers because we will identify common issues that require notifying the Coast Guard and discuss how the notification process works," says Jeff Ludwig, Chief of the Recreational Boating Product Assurance Branch at U.S. Coast Guard. "Once a problem is identified through either a Coast Guard or manufacturer inspection, you need to know the steps necessary to conduct a recall."
"We deliberately chose a shorter format for this discussion so we can get into some straight talk about compliance," says Brian Goodwin, ABYC Technical Director. "A strong product compliance program limits a manufacturer's liability, leads to overall cost savings, and protects the brand."
For more information about and to register for free for Risk Mitigation: Defect Notification and Product Recalls, please visit abycinc.org/riskmitigation.
The USCG Risk Mitigation Series hosts interactive and in-depth discussions related to one general topic on a reoccurring basis.
Series 1—Regulations and Electrification is available to view as a recording here
Series 2—Put the Fire Out is available to view as a recording here