+1 (912) 651-3634
Savannah, GA | N 32° 04.884' / W 081° 05.333'
River Street
Savannah, GA
Body of Water
Savannah River
All vessels using a City dock must be registered upon arrival with the Mobility & Parking Services Department, call (912) 651-3634, Monday– Friday, 8am to 5pm. After 5pm, weekends and holidays, call (912) 651-6477, control booth, attendant is on duty 24/7 to collect fees. Mobility & Parking Services is located at the Bryan Street Parking Garage, 100 East Bryan Street behind the Holiday Inn Express Hotel at Bay St and Abercorn St. Reservations may be made for Dock 1 and Dock 3 up to one year in advance. Fees are to be paid to the Mobility &Parking Services Department upon arrival of the vessel, or by mail if prior arrangements have been made.
$1.50 per linear foot, per day (on the first day, the first three hours are FREE)