Port Elgin Harbour



+1 (519) 832-2008




Monitored: 68

Port Elgin, ON | N 44° 26.744' / W 081° 24.150'

132 Elgin St.

Port Elgin, ON N0H 2C0

Body of Water

Lake Huron


Doug Seiler

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Contact Request

Your request has been sent to the dockmaster at
Port Elgin Harbour

Yes, sign me up for the News & Navigation Alerts.
Starboard is the side of the boat when facing forward.
(Just making sure you're a real person)
Largest Vessel: 150 ft.
Total Slips: 274
Transient Slips: 15
Dock Type: Floating
Approach / Dockside Depth: 10.0 / 10.0 ft.

Dock Rates

Daily: $2.31 per ft.
Payment Methods: VISA / MasterCard / AMEX / CASH


Diesel Price


Gas Price


Non-Ethanol: No
ValvTect: No


Comments: Call
Last Fuel Update: 06/20/24


15 Amps: No
20 Amps: No
30 Amps: Yes ; $17.06 per day
50 Amps: No
100 Amps: No
200+ Amps: No
110 Volts: Yes



Water: Yes
Phone: No
Cable: No
WiFi: Yes
Pumpout: Yes ; $19.58
Restrooms: Yes
Showers: Yes
Laundry: No
Pool: No
Internet Access: No
Ice: Yes
Ship Store: No
Snacks: Yes
Grills: No
Security: No
Meeting Facilities: No
Yacht Brokerage: No
Pet Friendly: No

Repair Capabilities

Hull: Yes
Engine: Yes
Propeller: No
Grocery: offsite ; 2.00 miles
Restaurant: offsite ; 2.00 miles
Hotel: offsite ; 2.00 miles
Golf: offsite ; 1.00 miles


Port Elgin, Ontario, Canada, (Town of Saugeen Shores).  Located half way down the Ontario side of Lake Huron.
The Port Elgin Harbour is located four miles south of Southampton and 10 miles north of Bruce Power (a large complex visible from miles offshore).

The harbour supports the following vessel limits:

  • Max draft: 10 ft
  • Max length: 150 ft

When entering the harbour, you can use Logie's Rock as a reference point. It is marked by a light buoy and lies two miles west-northwest of Port Elgin. You should travel within the buoyed channel. Range markers with green lights lead boaters in on a course of 109. The channel depth is 10-14 ft from chart datum, but outside of the channel it quickly shallows to as little as 2 ft.

If you need assistance, you can reach harbour staff on VHF channel 68.