Reviews: Matanzas Pass East Mooring Field

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Matanzas Pass East Mooring Field

2731 Oak Street
Fort Myers Beach, FL 33931
Matanzas Pass

  • Reviewed by: Lance Williamson on Feb 10, 2025
    Vessel Type: Power
    LOA: 40'
    Draft: 3.8'

    Rating: 5

    Follow the well marked channel into the harbor. Boats that cannot go under the bridge will be assigned mooring balls before the bridge. Use Dockwa to reserve a mooring ball before arriving at the mooring field. You will be contacted will a mooring ball number. The mooring balls have pendants and are easy to reach. Good protection from wind. There will be boat wakes even though it is a no wake zone. The main dingy dock is directly under the bridge and in the heart of the action. A short walk to the beach. There are two individual bathrooms/showers. To get to the bathrooms/showers, walk through the parking lot where the dingy dock is located. Go slight left onto the main road. Two light blue colored buildings will be on your right. The bathrooms/showers are located on the lower level of the second building, just off the walkway between the buildings. There is a free shuttle that goes from the tourist area down to the library. There is a second dingy dock (room for two boats). The Matanzas Pass Preserve is on the starboard side of the mooring field where the houses end and the mangroves begin. Turn to starboard at R 4 day marker into the canal. The dingy dock is at the end of the canal on the left. It is close to the library. There is not much down there because by Hurricane Ian a few years ago. There is another shuttle that goes from the library to the grocery store. We really enjoyed this mooring field and highly recommend it.

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