Reviews from Jim Powell (1)

  • Marina Review for Oyster Farm Marina at Kings Creek

    Reviewed by: Jim Powell , Dawn to Dusk, on May 6, 2017
    Vessel Type: Power
    LOA: 37'
    Draft: 4.5'


    We all have had an idea of what we wanted a marina to look like. Most of us have held a vision of some colorful little spot in the Caribbean or the South Seas. Somewhere there were fascinating little bungalows and cottages scattered around. A pool. A truly excellent restaurant. An event center where we would be proud to see our daughters married. Spectacular sunsets. Great little Tiki Bar at the end of a promenade pier. Outstanding management and a relentlessly happy and smiling staff that is continuously on the run.
    This search is over. This is the place. This is that special place where everyone is glad to see you. This is home. If you come here, you will want to stay here.

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