Reviews: Corrotoman River - Bells Creek

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Good, Mud
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All Around
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All Around
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  • Review for Corrotoman River - Bells Creek

    Reviewed by: Capt. Mac Rubel, Cruising Editor on Sep 29, 2022
    LOA: 48'
    Draft: 5.0'

    Overall Rating:
    Wind Protection:
    Current Flow:
    Wake Protection:
    Scenic Beauty:
    Ease of Shopping:
    Shore Access:
    Pet Friendly:
    Cell Service:

    Bells Creek is actually a part of the larger lagoon described in the review of Sandy Point. This particular part of the anchorage has excellent wind protection in all directions except for winds from the south, where the protection is only good and you would be better anchoring at the "Sandy Point" anchorage icon. Approach depths are 12 feet MLW and there is 9 feet MLW at the anchorage icon. Approach straight in and aim for the dock at the west bank of the entrance to Bells Creek. Stop about 100 yards off the dock in 9 feet of water. Protection from wind and waves is excellent in all directions except the southeast and then it is only good. Holding in this anchorage is good in thick mud although we did not anchor is this spot. If you are shallow draft you can move up into the creek for even better protection by carefully sounding your way into the anchorage, moving to the east side of the entrance for 5 feet of water MLW at the "No Wake" sign and then back into the middle of the creek as you move in further. We found 5 feet almost all the way to the back of the creek when we scouted in our dinghy. The creek is narrow so you will have to anchor in the center but you will have total protection from wind, waves, and current.

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