Reviews: Amory

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Waterway Guide reserves the option of editing reviews and comments for grammar, clarity and the removal of defamatory or potentially slanderous language. When appropriate, reviews are forwarded to businesses for response prior to being made public. We will make every effort to be objective and impartial when posting reviews, but do not publicize details of disputes between parties.

Thanks for your valuable feedback!
Good, Mud
Wind Protection:
Open and exposed NW thru NE
Current Flow:
Wake Protection:
Open and exposed NW thru NE
Scenic Beauty:
Ease of Shopping:
Shore Access:
Pet Friendly:

  • Review for Amory

    Reviewed by: Michael McGinnis, Ginny, on Oct 10, 2024
    Vessel Type: Power
    LOA: 54'
    Draft: 5.0'

    Overall Rating:

    We followed all the rules and couldn't find anything above 4 feet at the narrow channel to get to the Anchorage. Since we draw 4 1/2 feet, we turned around towards the top of the dam. Water was deep there, but we were concerned that we wouldn't be out of the channel enough. After we contacted the Lock, he told us that we could tie up on the wall above the dam. He actually came out and guided us to the wall. This was a great spot for overnight, but only room for one vessel.

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  • Review for Amory

    Reviewed by: Capt. Mac Rubel, Cruising Editor on Oct 18, 2021
    LOA: 48'
    Draft: 5.0'

    Overall Rating:
    Wind Protection:
    Current Flow:
    Wake Protection:
    Scenic Beauty:
    Ease of Shopping:
    Shore Access:
    Pet Friendly:

    Turn off the channel just before engaging the lock and look for secondary markers to guide you to LDB boat launch. Water shoals to 6 feet quickly and then moves at that depth three quarters of the way towards the boat landing. Depending on your draft and your nerves, move in towards shore and anchor in what appears to be a large, relatively flat area in 5-6 feet of water. Based on our draft we did not push in but it appears that there is a good anchorage for smaller boats in good weather with shore access at the boat launch. We did not record cell coverage.

    View location on the Waterway Guide Explorer

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