Reviews: East River - Long Point
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Review for East River - Long Point
Reviewed by: Joseph Dewitt on Aug 26, 2021
Vessel Type: Sail
LOA: 47'
Draft: 5.7'Overall Rating:4Holding:4Wind Protection:4Current Flow:4Wake Protection:3Scenic Beauty:4Ease of Shopping:1Shore Access:1Pet Friendly:1Cell Service:3WiFi:1Fairly well protected little bay from all directions, minor fetch east and south but not enough to develop any problems. Scenic and quiet heading up the river with plenty of room and depth. Shared the bay with a Cat and had plenty of room, but in the actual little bay can probably only fit three or four boats. Private property all around, no real landing areas. Cell reception was OK, no internet. No issues at night, but lots of power boats during the day going to and fro and some boats towing tubes, but after sunset very quiet. Not many bugs at all.
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Review for East River - Long Point
Reviewed by: Capt. Mac Rubel, Cruising Editor on Jun 16, 2021
LOA: 48'
Draft: 5.0'Overall Rating:4Holding:5Wind Protection:4Current Flow:4Wake Protection:3Scenic Beauty:4Ease of Shopping:1Shore Access:1Pet Friendly:1Cell Service:42.5 miles up the East River, around the corner from the Williams Wharf Rowing Center is a 300 yard long bank of 11' mlw water 100 yards off shore, well protected in all directions with the exception of the South West (one mile fetch) and particularly pleasant with winds from the West through North East. Some boat traffic but not annoying. We ar told that, at high tide you can take your Dink up a side creek just across from the anchorage and go all the way up to Matthews. We did not try it. Good cell reception ATT Verizon and T-Mobile. Good holding in mud. Few bugs. A quiet and pleasant anchorage.
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