Reviews from John Fogg (1)

  • Marina Review for Silver Lake Marina (Ocracoke NPS Docks)

    Reviewed by: John Fogg on Sep 3, 2020
    Vessel Type: Power
    LOA: 39'
    Draft: 4.0'


    Just a quick update as things are in quite a transition all around Ocracoke at this time. The Nat Parks Docks are up and running again, with water but no electricity. They are charging $1.25/ft per night, 1`st come, 1st served, no reservations. Docks are in great shape for 8-12 boats, pending size. Maneuvering to the Nat Parks docks is cozy as the new/additional ferry docks somewhat encroach the park docks. There are 2 new bathrooms for a total of 4 at the visitor's center, but no showers. Boat fenders highly recommended as you will be up against pilings with steel bolts just waiting for some fiberglass. Excellent access to the town activities as well as state ferries running in different directions. As an extra bonus, there are free shuttles that run from the ferry terminal/Nat Parks docks area up thru town for about a mile which saves a lot of flip-flop wear. This is mostly to accomodate the passengers getting off the ferry and will probably end for the season in a few weeks. The town itself is limping along like everything else, due to the coronavirus.
    At $1.25/ft and no electricity, many will opt for anchoring in the excellent harbor and catching some open air breeze. It's all good with the right mindset.

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