Reviews from Peter Gentry (1)
Marina Review for Maryland Yacht Club
Reviewed by:
Peter Gentry on Feb 18, 2020
Rating: 5
Just inside the entrance to Rock Creek to port, the approach is easy and the water depth is any where from 12 to 15 feet, just make a gentle turn to port once past the channel and the spit and beach that parallels the channel. You cannot miss the brilliant blue roofed Pavilion emblazoned with a bright yellow MYC that sits right by the water and beach area. The piers are traditional fixed piers, in good repair and consistantly being checked for any issues. Assistance with docking is readily available, the Basin Manager is a liveaboard and the entire facility is very secure with an electric gate and nice lighting. The pool area is fun and the showers and washers and dryers work well. An easy and fun marina on the Bay.....don‘t miss this one!
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