Manni's Lighthouse Landing



+1 (724) 335-6200

New Kensington, PA | N 40° 33.751' / W 079° 46.219'

799 Industrial Blvd.

New Kensington, PA 15068

Body of Water

Allegheny River

Mile Marker

18.8 LDB

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Manni's Lighthouse Landing

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The "bathroom" on a cruising boat is referred to as the .
(Just making sure you're a real person)


Gas Price


Non-Ethanol: No
ValvTect: No


Last Fuel Update:


15 Amps: No
20 Amps: No
30 Amps: Yes
50 Amps: Yes
100 Amps: No
200+ Amps: No
110 Volts: Yes
220 Volts: No
480 Volts: No
Metered Electric: No



Water: Yes
Phone: No
Cable: No
WiFi: No

Haulout Capabilities

Travel Lift: Yes; 12 ton max
Travel Lift 2: No
Crane: No
Railway: No
Dry Storage: No
Restaurant: onsite