Halls Pond Cay Northwest
- Location: Northern Exuma
- Lat / Lon: N 24° 22.047' / W 076° 35.441'
- Depth: 7'-10'
- Tide: 2.5'-3.0'
- Description:
With its proximity to Exuma Sound the anchorage is a good place for those on the outside to stop for a rest or to spend the night. Located at the end of Halls Pond Cut the anchorage is an intimate well sheltered cove on the NW tip of Halls Pond Cay. There is good protection from all directions except south and the holding is very good. The entrance to the cove is guarded by a rocky bar with a large rock in its center. Most of the bar is barely awash at low tide but is invisible when the tide is rising so care must be taken to enter. Once inside however there is room for 1-2 vessels in a deep band of sand between the rocky bar and the beach. While all of Halls Pond is private there are no visible signs of development and a quick visit to the beach is likely to go unnoticed. From the anchorage you will have a good view of Tyler Perry’s exclusive White Bay Cay Resort.