Bimini Construction Channel
- Lat / Lon: N 25° 45.211' / W 079° 16.485'
- Depth: 6-8 feet
- Description:
This man-made basin (which shows in some charts/maps as dry land, so it may help to look at a recent satellite photo) is about 600' diameter with 10-12' or more depths all around. The bottom is sand/muck mixed with rubble that provides good holding, especially with the all-around breakwater. There is enough room in here for 6-8 vessels, although 4 is more comfortable. One should take care to stay out of the channel which runs east-west through this basin (there is little through traffic as of Feb 2023). Closest shore access - aside from tying up at the resort - is about 3/4 miles down channel near Smitty's Beach Bar & Restaurant.
Good holding in sand and mud
Wind Protection:
all around protection
Current Flow:
Mild Current
Wake Protection:
Scenic Beauty:
Shore Access:
There is nowhere to land
Pet Friendly:
There is no shore access unless you go into the marina
Cell Service:
Good Coverage