Reviews: Bimini Construction Channel
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Review for Bimini Construction Channel
Reviewed by: Lawrence Wolfenden on Feb 18, 2025
Vessel Type: Sail
LOA: 38'
Draft: 4.0'Overall Rating:4Holding:4Wind Protection:4Current Flow:4Wake Protection:4Scenic Beauty:2Shore Access:2Cell Service:5We anchored here from 2025.02.14 thru 2025.02.18. This basin has near-360° protection with the only opportunity for waves to build up from the WSW (and even then, the unobstructed fetch is less than 800'). Holding was good in the 25-kt gusts we experienced—we did not drag at all and the anchor reset itself as we swung full circle as the wind clocked. There is a bit of tidal current, but it is not significant unless you are (mistakenly) in the channel that runs through here. Further north up the channel there is some development and a few boats tied up, but during our first four days (which included a weekend) the only boat traffic was from dinghies, a couple of jet skis, and an occasional crew/work boat. There is enough room in this basin for at least a dozen 35'-45' vessels. Depth all around is 10'+. During our time there were as many as 8 boats on anchor (5 monohulls, 2 cats, and a power cat) with lots of room. Most of us were riding on 75' - 85' of chain. The basin is man-made, so the depth drops VERY quickly at the edge—it is practically a vertical wall, so you can safely swing far closer than feels comfortable. The tidal range is about 2', so little adjustment to your scope is necessary. The bottom is "chunky" and silty, the remains of the efforts to create the basin. The biggest drawback to this basin is the noise of construction equipment (which is mostly muffled by the hill and trees to the north) and the sea planes: this basin is right under their flight path. It's fun to watch them pass so close overhead (100'? 200'?), but it's a bit surprising and startling. We saw an average of 2-3 per day either landing or taking off. We saw more sea turtles popping their heads up around us than sea planes.
In late-January 2023 our sister ship anchored here for several days while we were in the basin to the west. During that time we experienced winds of 25-30 kt and both held securely. (55# Mantus on all-chain rode)View location on the Waterway Guide Explorer