Reviews: Lowes Wharf Marina Inn
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Lowes Wharf Marina Inn
Sherwood, MD 21665
Chesapeake Bay
- Lat / Lon: N 38° 45.950' / W 076° 19.700'
- Contact: Paul Zelinsk
- Phone: (410) 745-6684
- Fax: (410) 745-5085
- Email: [email protected]
- Website:
Review for Lowes Wharf Marina Inn
Reviewed by:
Jim , StormSplurge II, on Jun 13, 2024
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 33'
Draft: 3.0'Rating: 4
Its a great place to stop for lunch or hang out all day. Several bars and a restaurant. There are a few slips, but iffy to get into and shallow. There are several free mooring balls but they go fast. Lots of places to anchor and they have a free water taxi to take you to and from shore. swimming, paddleboarding, bands and lots to do. Kid friendly also. Dont know about animals. for anything with a deep draft, be careful coming in. Stay in the markers. Great place.
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Review for Lowes Wharf Marina Inn
Reviewed by:
Pam & Terry Partis on May 29, 2024
Vessel Type: Power
LOA: 45'
Draft: 3.8'Rating: 2
This looks like a nice little marina. They even had a volleyball net set up outside. However our first concern should have been there were NO boats there and they have dockage with utility pedestals. We could not hail anyone on the radio. Finally called by learn their radio doesn't work. We could not tell where to go for diesel. Once they came out and attempted to direct us around the south side of the building and toward the back of the marina, we got as low as 1' and hit mud. Upon their suggestion we tried to inch even closer to the dock and still ran aground. Very unfortunate as they had a good price on diesel, but you have to be able to get to it.
WG Editor Comment:
Viewing the channel depths in Explorer with the USACE Overlays on shows depths of 3 feet or less.
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