Reviews from Alain (7)
Marina Review for Westerly Marina
Reviewed by:
Alain , Rhea, on May 17, 2017
Vessel Type: Sail
LOA: 41'
Draft: 5.2'Rating: 4
This not a "real" marina, as the owner said it is a boat yard, with mechanics, boat lifts and travel cranes, a store ...and docks. A 3 generations family business, nice people. They walk the dock making sure all boat are properly secured.
Warning they are closed on Tuesday.View location on the Waterway Guide Explorer
Anchorage Review for Jensen Beach North
Reviewed by: Alain, Rhea, on Apr 17, 2017
Vessel Type: Sail
LOA: 41'
Draft: 5.2'Overall Rating:4Holding:5Wind Protection:3Current Flow:3Wake Protection:3Scenic Beauty:3Ease of Shopping:4Shore Access:4Cell Service:5There is a boat ramp at the west foot of the bridge (we did not use), there is a dinghy dock by the fuel dock, follow the private channel. From there you will find restaurants, a Publix and more. The dinghy dock is closer to the service than the boat ramp.
Good holding in mud and gravel. No wind and wave protection except from the west.View location on the Waterway Guide Explorer
Anchorage Review for Nassau Harbour Eastern Anchorage
Reviewed by: Alain on Feb 3, 2017
Vessel Type: Sail
LOA: 41'
Draft: 5.0'Overall Rating:3Holding:4Wind Protection:2Current Flow:1Wake Protection:1Scenic Beauty:3Ease of Shopping:4Shore Access:3Cell Service:4WiFi:1We anchored here for a week waiting for spare parts (see as a potential shipping solution). We were just west of the Yacht club. Once we set the hook right (on the second attempt) the holding is good, we experience 50 knot wind and did not move. As the islands are low profile in the end you are exposed to all winds and exposed to wave from the East. Lots of traffic; often just a few feet from the boats, more waves.
The current is strong, with the tide and the wind you will find your boat pointing against the wind, 90 to the wind or your anchor aft of the boat. If you use 2 anchors, with the tide reversals the lines will get twisted. Always play safe, set an Anchor Watch alarm, I use Drag Queen for iOS.
Many grocery and supply stores are at walking distance. Use the marina at the Poop Deck for your dingy; the other marinas (east of the bridges) do not like dinghies. Although the marina behind Rubis? gas station is +/- ok with dingy, the gates are locked at 16:00, we had to wait nearly an hours to get it re-opened. Propane is available at Brown's marina office, across the street.View location on the Waterway Guide Explorer
Anchorage Review for Winyah Bay - Western Channel
Reviewed by: Alain on Dec 31, 2016
Vessel Type: Sail
LOA: 41'
Draft: 5.0'Overall Rating:4Holding:4Wind Protection:3Current Flow:5Wake Protection:3Scenic Beauty:3Ease of Shopping:1Shore Access:1Pet Friendly:1Cell Service:1WiFi:1Just a few feet from the ICW
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Anchorage Review for Pablo Creek - Island
Reviewed by: Alain on Dec 30, 2016
Vessel Type: Sail
LOA: 41'
Draft: 5.0'Overall Rating:4Holding:4Wind Protection:3Current Flow:4Wake Protection:3Scenic Beauty:3Ease of Shopping:1Shore Access:3Cell Service:3WiFi:1Plenty of water after you pass the bar. The current is strong, given 4:1 scope. The current will keep you away from the shore, unless there is strong side wind at tide slack.
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Marina Review for R. E. Mayo Seafood Marine Supply
Reviewed by:
Alain on Dec 27, 2016
Vessel Type: Sail
LOA: 41'
Draft: 5.0'Rating: 3
Cheap, 0.40$ / foot, limited services. Strong current.
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Anchorage Review for Alligator River - Newport News Point
Reviewed by: Alain on Dec 27, 2016
Vessel Type: Sail
LOA: 41'
Draft: 5.0'Overall Rating:5Holding:5Wind Protection:5Current Flow:5Wake Protection:4Scenic Beauty:4Ease of Shopping:1Shore Access:1Pet Friendly:1Cell Service:1WiFi:1Safe and easy. The Alligator river bend/bay is big, choose a location that provides wind protection. In season there may be plenty of bugs and fisherman traffic early morning.
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